Sunday 9 September 2012

Artificial Intelligence


Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence Courses from the Worlds top universities:

Artificial Intelligence – Introduction to Robotics 
YouTubeiTunesMultiple formatsOussama Khatib, Stanford

Artificial Intelligence – Natural Language Processing 
Multiple formatsChristopher Manning, Stanford

Artificial Intelligence – Machine Learning 
YouTubeiTunesMultiple formats – Andrew Ng, Stanford
Artificial IntelligenceYouTubeP.Dasgupta, IIT

Bits Multiple FormatsHarry Lewis, Harvard

Building Dynamic Web Sites 
iTunes - Video & Audio – David Malan, Harvard Extension

Building Mobile Web Sites 
iTunesWeb Site - David Malan, Harvard Extension

Computational Camera and Photography 
Download Course – Ramesh Raskar, MIT

Computer GraphicsYouTube – Sukhendu Das, IIT

Computer Language Engineering 
 YouTubeiTunes VideoWeb Site – Martin Rinard, MIT

Computer NetworksYouTube – S.Ghosh, IIT

Computer System Engineering
 Web Site – Profs. Robert Morris and Samuel Madden, MIT

Data Structures - iTunes Video – Paul Hilfinger, UC Berkeley

Developing Apps for iOS (iPhone & iPad) 
iTunesU – Paul Hegarty, Stanford

Discrete Mathematical Structures YouTube – Kamala Krithivasan, IIT

Intensive Introduction to Computer Science Using C, PHP, and JavaScript 
Multiple Formats – David Malan, Harvard

Introduction to Algorithms
iTunesYouTube - Web Site – Prof. Charles Leiserson & Erik Demaine, MIT

Introduction to Computer Programming for Scientists and Engineers 
- iTunes AudioiTunes Video – Roberto Horowitz, UC Berkeley

Introduction to Computer Science and Programming 
-YouTubeiTunesMIT Web Site – Eric Grimson, John Guttag, MIT

Introduction to Computer Science: Programming Methodology 
YouTubeiTunesMultiple formats – Mehran Sahami, Stanford

Introduction to Computer Science: Programming Abstractions
YouTubeiTunes - Multiple formats – Julie Zelenski, Stanford

Introduction to Computer Science: Programming Paradigms -
YouTubeiTunes - Multiple formats – Jerry Cain, Stanford

Introduction to Computer Graphics 
YouTube – Prem Kalra, IIT

Introduction to Embedded Systems
YouTube – Professors Sanjit Seshia, Edward A. Lee, UC Berkeley

Introduction to Problem Solving & Programming 
YouTube – Deepak Gupta, IIT

iPhone Application Development in iOS5 (Fall 2011)

iPhone Application Development (Spring 2009)
- iTunes – Stanford

iPhone Application Development (Winter 2010) 
iTunes – Stanford

Logic & Proofs 
Web Site – Carnegie Mellon

Machine Structures
iTunes Video – David Culler, UC Berkeley
Multimedia Systems 
- iTunes – Surendar Chandra, Notre Dame

Operating Systems and System Programming 
iTunes – Multiple professors, UC Berkeley

Operating Systems Principles 
iTunes – Surendar Chandra, Notre Dame

Principles of Digital Communications I 
- YouTubeiTunes – Profs Gallagher and Zheng, 

Principles of Digital Communications II 
- YouTube – MIT

Programming Languages and Compilers
- YouTube – Professor Paul Hilfinger, UC Berkeley

Quantum Computing for the Determined 
- YouTube – Michael Nielsen, The University of Queensland

Search Engines: Technology, Society and Business 
YouTube – Marti Hearst, UC Berkeley

The Beauty and Joy of Computing 
iTunes - Brian Harvey, UC Berkeley

The Beauty of Joy of Computing 
YouTube – Professor Daniel Garcia, UC Berkeley

The Future of the Internet 
iTunes – Ramesh Johari, Stanford

The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs 
YouTube - iTunes – Brian Harvey, UC Berkeley

Understanding Computers and the Internet 
iTunesFeed – David Malan, Harvard University