Update : Official website fro APK Downloader has deactivated this extension but you can still get it from http://apps.evozi.com/apk-downloader/
you ever wanted to download Android application directly from Android
Market Place to PC, than we have something really interesting for you
called “APK Downloader”, well it’s a chrome extension which can download
any application your are browsing on Android Market right to your PC
without any problems but we need to configure it before we could
actually use it.
Some Instructions :
Well if you wanted
to use “APK Downloader” than there are some requirements for this
extension to configure and run properly, so the first thing is that you
need to have the latest version of Google chrome installed on your pc
and than you need to disable the browser SSL’s warnings, you need to
have your device iD number and the email and password you use to
download apps right on your phone from Android market.
Check Extension in Action :
If you want full detailed instructions + the chrome extension than you can check this official APK Downloader Website. Install the chrome extension and configure your chrome than enjoy unlimited APK Apps download right on your PC.