The Guide to Backtrack – Hakin9
World's most famous security and hacking magazine, Hakin9. Today, I am posting about the last month edition of the Hakin9 magazine
These are the main content of the magazine.
Android Exploitation with Metasploit
by Aditya Gupta
In this article, we will be looking into the practical usage of Backtrack, and its tools. The article is divided into three sections – Android Exploitation through Metasploit, Nikto Vulnerability Scanner and w3af. The reader is expected to have basic knowledge of Backtrack and familiar with common web application vulnerabilities.
Use Metasploit in Backtrack 5
by Johan Loos
Metasploit comes in several flavors: Metasploit framework, Metasploit community edition, Metasploit pro. In Backtrack 5, Metasploit framework is installed by default. Metasploit framework provides you with information on security vulnerabilities which can be used to exploit a system. Penetration testers can also use this tool to launch manual or automated scans.
by Johan Loos
Metasploit comes in several flavors: Metasploit framework, Metasploit community edition, Metasploit pro. In Backtrack 5, Metasploit framework is installed by default. Metasploit framework provides you with information on security vulnerabilities which can be used to exploit a system. Penetration testers can also use this tool to launch manual or automated scans.
BackTrack 5 Toolkit Tutorial
by Vikas Kumar
BackTrack provides users with easy access to a comprehensive and large collection of security-related tools ranging from port scanners to password crackers. Support for Live CD and Live USB functionality allows users to boot BackTrack directly from portable media without requiring installation though permanent installation to hard disk is also an option.
by Vikas Kumar
BackTrack provides users with easy access to a comprehensive and large collection of security-related tools ranging from port scanners to password crackers. Support for Live CD and Live USB functionality allows users to boot BackTrack directly from portable media without requiring installation though permanent installation to hard disk is also an option.
Defending Layer 2 Attacks
by Nayan Sanchania
Security has been a major concern in today’s computer networks. There has been various exploits of attacks against companies, many of the attacks cost companies their reputation and cost them millions of pounds. Many attacks are implemented using inside knowledge from previous and even current employees.
BackTrack 5: The Ultimate Security Toolkit
by Steve Myers
In the security world today, a security professional relies heavily on knowing the right tools for the job, and knowing how to use these tools. There are hundreds of tools available and the list of tools is constantly changing and growing. For security assessments and penetration testing, there are very few toolkits as actively supported and all-encompassing as BackTrack 5.
by Nayan Sanchania
Security has been a major concern in today’s computer networks. There has been various exploits of attacks against companies, many of the attacks cost companies their reputation and cost them millions of pounds. Many attacks are implemented using inside knowledge from previous and even current employees.
BackTrack 5: The Ultimate Security Toolkit
by Steve Myers
In the security world today, a security professional relies heavily on knowing the right tools for the job, and knowing how to use these tools. There are hundreds of tools available and the list of tools is constantly changing and growing. For security assessments and penetration testing, there are very few toolkits as actively supported and all-encompassing as BackTrack 5.
Backtrack 5 Practical Applications And Use Cases
by Nicholas Popovich
This article breaks down what Backtrack Linux is, with a brief description and history. Then, we’ll explore a sampling of some of the many tools that are packaged within Backtrack Linux and provide use cases along with step-by-step tutorials to demonstrate some of the more common tasks that Backtrack is used to perform. Finally, we’ll see how most of the tools and techniques that Backtrack is designed to facilitate can be used by the many different roles in the IT security field.
by Nicholas Popovich
This article breaks down what Backtrack Linux is, with a brief description and history. Then, we’ll explore a sampling of some of the many tools that are packaged within Backtrack Linux and provide use cases along with step-by-step tutorials to demonstrate some of the more common tasks that Backtrack is used to perform. Finally, we’ll see how most of the tools and techniques that Backtrack is designed to facilitate can be used by the many different roles in the IT security field.
How Exposed To Hackers Is the WordPress Website You Built
by Alex Kah
WordPress is likely the most popular website framework used on the web today. With over 65 million downloads and a very active community you can accomplish many goals with ease using WordPress.
by Alex Kah
WordPress is likely the most popular website framework used on the web today. With over 65 million downloads and a very active community you can accomplish many goals with ease using WordPress.
Become Quieter with a Little Help from BT
by Dusko Pijetlovic
When you are faced with a task of testing your production environment and strengthening your defenses, your choice of the tool is easy. Instead of concentrating on collecting penetration (pen) testing tools, just head to BackTrack website and download an image of one of the most popular white hat penetration testing and security auditing platforms. It’s #7 on the Top 125 Security Tools list.
by Dusko Pijetlovic
When you are faced with a task of testing your production environment and strengthening your defenses, your choice of the tool is easy. Instead of concentrating on collecting penetration (pen) testing tools, just head to BackTrack website and download an image of one of the most popular white hat penetration testing and security auditing platforms. It’s #7 on the Top 125 Security Tools list.
BackTracking in Wifi Country
by Dennis King
The BackTrack 5 distribution continues to be the “go to” tool in a security professional’s arsenal. With the latest release, “Revolution,” the Backtrack development team delivers a kit you can use anywhere on both light and heavy duty security tasks.
by Dennis King
The BackTrack 5 distribution continues to be the “go to” tool in a security professional’s arsenal. With the latest release, “Revolution,” the Backtrack development team delivers a kit you can use anywhere on both light and heavy duty security tasks.
If you are interested in this edition, you can get your copy from this link.