Change your Windows Logon Image with Logon Changer
Windows 7 Logon Changer can help you in changing your Logon Image on your Windows machine in seconds. This small utility is so much useful that can be used on daily basis for making your desktop totally according to your taste. With just a choosing a image file can change your logon image on the go and hence this tool also gives you a option to test the exact width and height of the applied image.
If you are happy with the changed image than you can close the software and test it practically by Logging Off and Logging in again, or if you wanna apply the default image just open this tool again and than click on Revert to Default Logon Screen.
Download Windows 7 Logon Changer Tool to your PC and extract it, now you will a .exe file click on it and press Yes, now just choose a image and enjoy new logon image.